Social Networks Joke

I've just noticed my friends on facebook have all been joining the group "RIP Brittany Murphy".
Good to see I'm not the only one who's a fan of necrophilia.

Social Networks Joke

My mate's Facebook status said "I need to lower my standards."
I commented saying, "I did this, worked well :)"
In other news, I'm now single.

Social Networks Joke

Whenever I write something on facebook, it always seems like I am talking to a wall.

Social Networks Joke

When I was your age, we annoyed people with words, not facebook groups.

Social Networks Joke

BBC NEWS 24 - Greater Manchester police to tweet the daily crimes they deal with whilst on the beat.
I'm personally looking forward to,
'12:00pm: off to grab a quick sandwich for lunch, brb.'
'12:05pm: big shout out to my homies Jamal and Tyrone, just got myself a new laptop.'

Social Networks Joke

**NEW FACEBOOK GAME** message me your bank account info along with your credit card numbers, 3 digit security code & expiration date and I'll post in my status what I bought !!

Social Networks Joke

I posted this on facebook last month"i feel suicidal" within 20 seconds i saw "rajeev and osama, abdul, and achmed like this"

Social Networks Joke

I am new to facebook. I misunderstood when my girlfriend sent me a group invitation

Social Networks Joke

In 2013, I'm going to watch 2012,
And laugh.

Social Networks Joke

Someone's facebook status yesterday was, "I need some farmville friends."
How about you start with just friends for the moment.

Social Networks Joke

Facebook group: "onli gud gurls rite diarys coz bad gurls dnt av tym"
Sure it isn't something to do with the fact that they apparently cannot write?

Social Networks Joke

When reading the list of 'who's online' on facebook, you may as well be staring at a room full of people you know, not wanting to talk to any of them

Social Networks Joke

My favourite position is the Farmville
Ploughing away for 3 minutes, and then waiting a few days before I do it all over again.

Social Networks Joke

I just poked my daughter on facebook, glad thats the foreplay out the way...

Social Networks Joke

It's nice to know there are 1567 other people furiously mashing F5 for their next facebook Status update.

Social Networks Joke

Can anybody help me on FarmVille?
I need some binbags, a spade, a chainsaw, two rolls of gaffer tape and a van.
No questions asked.

Social Networks Joke

Facebook group:
My school cares more about uniform than it does Education!!
I totally agree, nothing better than a nice young lad in summer shorts.

Social Networks Joke

I've just started using Twitter but can't seem to tweet properly...
I make a right #of it.

Social Networks Joke

Created a group on facebook last year - the "Fear of commitment club"...
Can't figure out why its still got no members...

Social Networks Joke

Forbes billionaire list is out and CEO and co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire on the list at age 25. Bet you his Mother doesn't tell him he's spending too much time on Facebook.

Social Networks Joke

The "It's Complicated" status on Facebook is referring to women in general, right?

Social Networks Joke

Join your group on Facebook which supports this website called Sickipedia!
Special offer: if you join, you save an ethiopian... If you don't, we kill one.
Yep, I didn't join to.

Social Networks Joke

keeping the unemployed busy

Social Networks Joke

Its fun adding famous people as friends on Facebook.
The other day my status was "Jews are cheap" - Hitler likes this.

Social Networks Joke

i heard facebook has a new application that allows your friends to see all the windows you have open.
now child services is at my door asking me to "explain things"