Superstitions Joke

Astrology: because millions of planets and stars have spent billions of years lining themselves up just to let her know that she'll "meet someone with nice eyes today."

Superstitions Joke

It is a little known fact that the Bermuda Triangle used to be called the Bermuda Rectangle.
Until one side mysteriously disappeared.

Superstitions Joke

Easiest job in the world - Muslim psychic
"I'm getting an 'M'...... Does the name 'Mohammed' mean anything to anyone in the room?"

Superstitions Joke

My mate asked me if I believed in reincarnation.
I said, "Absolutely. Ever since my wife died I feel like I've been born again."

Superstitions Joke

I want you all to know that this will be my last joke on here because I am going to die at midnight tonight as a result of not forwarding chain mail.