People Joke

SCIENCE FACT: The Richter Scale was named after its inventor.
Ian Scale.

People Joke

Why are blonde jokes generally frowned upon?
Because they're not very clever.

People Joke

If there's one thing I hate.
It's people who moan about other people.

People Joke

I'm always really careful to have my phone on silent when I'm in the theatre.
The last thing I'd want is to be woken up.

People Joke

What is a fat person's favourite number?

People Joke

My girlfriend went mad when she caught me reading her diary...
Whilst using a megaphone in the town centre.

People Joke

Gods apology for relations.

People Joke

putting a turtle neck jumper on a bald person so he looks like a roll-on deodorant.

People Joke

I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of a gram. I was like, 0mg!

People Joke

Get my coat, you've pulled a chauvinist.

People Joke

Are all girls claustrophobic? It's like every single one freaks out when they're locked in the boot of a car.

People Joke

Bit disappointed that my Amish online dating site hasn't taken off yet.

People Joke

I was once abducted by aliens. They made me wipe my face, blow my nose and eat my greens.
I think I was on board the mothership.

People Joke

I can tell whether someone likes strangers staring at them or not just by looking at them.

People Joke

Who does Death think he is? Coming over here, taking our Jobs.

People Joke

1st Brummie: - "Have you seen The Voice?"
2nd Brummie: - "Course I 'ave, it's on the bench in me shed next to me woodworking tools.

People Joke

Do you know that because your tongue shares muscles with your intercostal muscles it's impossible to stick your tounge out and breath heavily at the same time?
Good boy.

People Joke

My girlfriend never went that 'Extra Mile' for me. So I got a Restraining Order, now she has to.

People Joke

I am sick and tired of people telling me to turn off my lights and save the environment.
The last time I did that I ran over a cyclist.

People Joke

Why is it when you run into a spider web, you suddenly turn into a ninja?

People Joke

Wish my friends were more like 'Google'.
It never judges me, no matter what I ask it to do.

People Joke

I hate private jokes, they really exclude everyone
Like when Jamie stole that sofa off a pick-up truck

People Joke

I arranged a pessimists meeting today,
It wasn't a great turn out, the room was half empty.

People Joke

Statistically, 22/7 Americans love Pie.

People Joke

'Are you aware of the phrase delusions of grandeur?'
'Yes, since I made it up.'