Books Joke

My brother has just set fire to one of my Mr Men books.
No more Mr Nice Guy.

Books Joke

Newcastle v Reading today.
Newcastle don't stand a chance; Geordies have never seen a book never mind read one.

Books Joke

I've just read a book about Stockholm Syndrome.
It started off badly but, by the end, I really liked it.

Books Joke

My mate finally finished writing his book about cooking with herbs. It's about thyme.

Books Joke

I walked into Waterstones and asked, "Do you have any books on 'How to stop impulse buying'?"
"Yes we do."
"Excellent. I'll take seventeen copies please."

Books Joke

Hopefully I've got a book coming out soon.
Admittedly, I don't think I should have eaten it in the first place.

Books Joke

My friend recommended a book to me.
She said it was a real page turner.
I was like, "yeah, I know how books work."

Books Joke

J K Rowling is planning two Harry Potter sequels where he re-enters the world of the Muggles:
Harry Potter & the Tuition Fees of Inaffordability
Harry Potter and the Unclimbable Housing Ladder

Books Joke

I commute a lot, so I bought one of those new Apple iPads so I can read virtual books on long journeys.
It's brilliant, it's just like reading a normal book except it runs out of batteries and it gives me a migraine.

Books Joke

I found thousands of letters in my postbox today.
That's the last time I order a dictionary from IKEA.

Books Joke

I love my collection of Sat-Nav's and map books, I'd be lost without them.

Books Joke

I'm reading a book on helium at the moment.
I'm having trouble putting it down.

Books Joke

I've nearly finished writing my book about finding the perfect way to stab someone.
All it needs is a surprise twist at the end.

Books Joke

Anyone else think that the Harry Potter series would have been much more entertaining if, after seven books and over a million words, the concluding sentence was:
"...and that, your honour, is how three children in wizard outifts ended up in my cellar."

Books Joke

I started reading a book about a giant dog with super powers.
It's basically impossible to put down.

Books Joke

Details have been released of the film version of the best-selling book '50 Shades of Grey'. The film will star James Spader & Maggie Gyllenhall, is to be called 'Secretary' and will be made 10 years ago.

Books Joke

I've just taken up speed reading. Last night I did war and peace in 20 seconds.
I know it's only 3 words but it's a start!

Books Joke

I went to the book store earlier to buy a 'Where's Wally' book. When I got there, I couldn't find the book anywhere.
Well played Wally, well played.

Books Joke

Man goes into a library and asks for a book about French War Heroes.
The librarian tells him to try the fiction section.

Books Joke

I got banned from Waterstones today for moving all the 'Caution - Wet Floor' signs to the '50 Shades of Grey' shelf.

Books Joke

Breaking News: Archaeologists digging at the site of Shakespeare's house have uncovered thousands of monkey skeletons.

Books Joke

I've just published a book on DIY.
It's blank and comes with a free pen.

Books Joke

I ordered a joke book off Amazon last week.... but I didn't get it.

Books Joke

Our new librarian is very polite. I think she is Italian.
I've just taken a book back that was months overdue but, rather than charging me, she just said, "That's-a-fine."
So I thanked her and walked out.

Books Joke

My mate just stole my Thesaurus.
Frankly, I'm lost for words.