Social Networks Joke

Anyone else find it funny that on Facebook's FarmVille all the lonely sheep are black!

Social Networks Joke

Google+ is like a gym membership.
Everyone signs up for it but never uses it

Social Networks Joke

Women write the most pointless things on Facebook.
I've just seen a status saying:
'I'm sitting here with a cup of tea, I can't believe how cold it is, I'm not happy!!!'
Is that really worth putting on Facebook?
Just make yourself another one.

Social Networks Joke

I said to my daughter, "Where are you going all dressed up?"
She said, "The bathroom, I need a new facebook picture."

Social Networks Joke

I was on Facebook earlier. I clicked on the wrong icon by mistake, and before Iknew it,I'd joined one of those pointless, stupid groups.
I'd clicked on "Sign up for Facebook".

Social Networks Joke

I have a friend on Facebook whose status says "Suicidal - Standing on the edge of a cliff".
So I poked him...

Social Networks Joke

'A Glasgow teenager has been charged by police after a photo of himself brandishing a machete was found on the social networking site Bebo.'
What a loser!
No-one uses Bebo any more.

Social Networks Joke

Muslim women have a new social networking site

Social Networks Joke

Earlier today I saw the facebook group "Kids vs Cancer". It turns out writing "My money is on cancer everytime" is one way to get quite a bit of hate mail.

Social Networks Joke

Did you know people are getting paid to mention products in their Facebook statuses?
That's as crazy as the discounts at Dave's Furniture Emporium...

Social Networks Joke

Now, I can't be sure but judging by various Facebook status updates, one would be forgiven for thinking it was snowing!

Social Networks Joke

A religious person came up to me the other day and asked me if I believed in evolution or creationism.
I replied "I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?"

Social Networks Joke

Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the people you may know feature on Facebook people that you do know, but deliberately choose not to be friends with?

Social Networks Joke

Ok, so this girl on Facebook posted a status which read:
"How can I get rid of this morning sickness?"
Turns out replying, "Try a coat hanger" is a good way to get yourself deleted.

Social Networks Joke

Hey kids, why don't you try a new social networking tool?
It's called, "outside".

Social Networks Joke

When signing up to facebook, I put ethnicity 'black' by accident. There is no 'poke' option, it says 'stab' instead.

Social Networks Joke

I'm starting a collection of STI's any of you dirty skets care to donate any to me?
Ooops, my mistake, I thought this was the facebook fan page for pregnant teenagers.

Social Networks Joke

A hacker attack briefly shut down Twitter on Thursday.
Millions of twitterers were forced to talk to each other the old fashioned way.
Through Facebook.

Social Networks Joke

My Wife just became a fan of "Unknown Drunken Injuries" on Facebook.
It's good to see she's playing along.

Social Networks Joke

I'm glad my Facebook isn't a real book.
Many of the pages would be stuck together by now.

Social Networks Joke

I think real stalkers would be insulted by people who call themselves "facebook stalkers."
Oooh, you click around on different profiles hoping to find tagged pictures of that cute babe you met in a club. You are so edgy and dangerous.
Try camping out in front of Cheryl Coles's house wearing a nappy and night vision goggles then maybe we'll talk.

Social Networks Joke

I think It's great that there are groups on Facebook such as '1,000,000 United Against the BNP', fighting against immoral views. Currently with 640,000 members and growing larger by the day.
I think it's even better that there are groups such as 'I will name my Son Batman If this page gets to 500,000' with over 690,000 members.

Social Networks Joke

I'm beginning to think that facebook is as bad as sickipedia.
I wrote on my status: "Has just slit an old women's throat and nicked all her money"
Logged in 30mins later, and it said 41 people like this.

Social Networks Joke

I'm pretty sure if I put what was actually on my mind as my Facebook status, all my friends would delete me.

Social Networks Joke

I almost forgot to update my status that I'd been to the gym.
What a waste of a workout that would have been!