Social Networks Joke

Neville1951 wrote:
"Isn't it funny that you can have over 200 friends on Facebook,, but still manage to find it hard to get someone to come out with you for a pint down the pub."
Yeah to be fair though 95% of the people on my facebook are just random birds I've added to check out their holiday pictures...and to be completely fair, none of them are going to be getting served a pint in a pub.

Social Networks Joke

I recently played 'FarmVille' on Facebook, even that game has a sense of humour. I created a black character with a large afro and planted some cotton.
Or, if you wait a few days, you can hire another black person to pick the cotton for you. Remember, you don't pay him so you make 25% more money!

Social Networks Joke

I was in an Internet cafe changing my Facebook picture for the NSPCC campaign.
Took so long to upload that I got frustrated and punched the kid next to me.

Social Networks Joke

Facebook; Because following young girls around town is far too risky.

Social Networks Joke

Facebook users are roaming the streets in tears, shoving photos of themselves in people's faces and screaming 'DO YOU LIKE THIS? DO YOU?'