Internet Joke

I recently started to make a friend online,
He is a retired 55 year old head teacher and a really friendly guy so we decided to meet up.
Turned out to be a 13 year old girl

Internet Joke

Sickipedia has a lot in common with Britain as there always seems to be a significant number of people who aren't registered here.

Internet Joke

I'm setting up a search engine called
You type your query in and it sends you straight to

Internet Joke

Announcement: Spastic Waitresses has a new website
but all the Servers are Down.

Internet Joke

When I die, I'm giving my body to Sickipedia viewers.
At least that way I know I'll get buried quickly.

Internet Joke

Joke-writing is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent duplication.

Internet Joke

I have just painted a blue square on the garden to trick people viewing Google Earth into thinking I have a swimming pool!!

Internet Joke

Its really nice that there are some places where the White English Male can dominate. 100 years ago, in the days of the British Empire, it was a Quarter of the World, on which the sun never set. Now it's an internet joke site that crashes several times a week. Still, better than nothing.

Internet Joke

What do you call a Black American Muslim Woman?
Pretty much anything- its still bound to get voted up.

Internet Joke

My wife told me she was annoyed by my "lack of moral consistency," and explained that I shouldn't find offensive jokes, for example about domestic violence, acceptable while being outraged if someone posts a duplicate. Her remarks inspired this little number:
What does the duplicate checker and my wife's jaw have in common? They're both broken.

Internet Joke

2009 seems to me like the the celebrity version of that Windows program that deletes the unused icons from your desktop.

Internet Joke

I got that "Meet beautiful women in your area" ad pop up the other day.
But, when I took my laptop to Bradford, it just said "Searching"

Internet Joke

Firefox private browsing mode....
....saving relationships since June 2009

Internet Joke

I just found this site (Sickipedia) and couldn't believe some of the material posted here.
The grammar was atrocious.

Internet Joke

My wife said that our wedding was the happiest day of her life.
Mine too;
One of my jokes scored 300 points that day.

Internet Joke

What have my star pupil and Sickipedia got in common?
I look forward to coming on both of them in my lunch hour.

Internet Joke

So socks are up in sales by 11000% since 1998.
That's about the same time the internet was really taking off.
Coincidence? I think not.

Internet Joke

If Sickipedia did formula racing it would be called F5.

Internet Joke

I just looked up myself on the Internet.
Now my webcam smells of poo.

Internet Joke

I used to listen to Dubstep back in the 90s...
... Every time I connected my computer to the internet.

Internet Joke

Wikipedia is to be blacked out for 24 hours.
An article on Wikipedia stated that this was the most significant event in modern history since Hitler invented the light bulb.

Internet Joke

My girlfriend left me.
A few nights ago she found "" in the search history on our computer and she said I had some explaining to do.
With quick thinking I said to her, "Oh, I was trying to get onto Wikipedia, but I accidentally hit the S instead of the W on the keyboard. The S is below the W."
She accepted my explanation and told me later on that night how she got worried with calling me clumsy and stupid.
That's when I accidentally said, "I'm stupid? You didn't even ask where the 'C' came from!"

Internet Joke

Is anyone else worried that we're quickly losing stuff to make jokes about? George Bush has left office, Jade Goody and Michael Jackson have died and now even Sickipedia's server works. You hang on in there Stephen Hawking!

Internet Joke

I saw a Rolex on ebay and it said on the listing "Watch this item".
I don't remember setting the language to cave man.

Internet Joke

A good sickipedia joke needs to meet two requirements.
1. It needs to leave them wanting more.