One Liners Joke

I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.

One Liners Joke

I used to see this girl across the road from me but she closes her curtains now!

One Liners Joke

Bad actors have their work cut out.

One Liners Joke

My wife and I are a fastidious couple.
I am fast and she is hideous.

One Liners Joke

I went into a shop and I said, "Can someone sell me a kettle." The bloke
said "Kenwood" I said, "Where is he then?"

One Liners Joke

The all new kindle... because you need to carry 3500 books around

One Liners Joke

Everybody has an ego. Mine's just bigger...
and better.

One Liners Joke

I've heard that reincarnation is making a comeback

One Liners Joke

Deaf people are lip reading as we speak.

One Liners Joke

Broken arms: Painful, but humerus

One Liners Joke

What's the point of looking up the spelling of a word in the dictionary when you don't know how to spell it in the first place?

One Liners Joke

There are II types of people in the world: those who understand Roman numerals and those who don't.

One Liners Joke

If there are any guitarists here who want to know the secret to making their instrument sound better, stay tuned.

One Liners Joke

Never judge a book by its movie.

One Liners Joke

And so, with a heavy heart, I explained to the wife that I've got too much iron in my blood.

One Liners Joke

How do you stop an Ethiopian from drowning?
Steal his plane tickets.

One Liners Joke

3.14% of sailors are Pi Rates.

One Liners Joke

I should have never wished for better hindsight.

One Liners Joke

Two fish swim into a concrete wall.
One turns to the other and says, "Dam!"

One Liners Joke

I'm sick of all the Irish stereotypes.
As soon as I finish this drink, I'm punching someone.

One Liners Joke

This is not the greatest joke in the world, this is just a tribute

One Liners Joke

A little birdie told me my golf skills are improving.

One Liners Joke

I just found 20 hanging from my ceiling.
It was a suicide note.

One Liners Joke

My teacher used to say I wasn't very observant ... be honest, that was his/her opinion.

One Liners Joke

Old Chinese proverb say: Man who walks through doorway sideways with erection is always going to Bangkok.