Stupid Joke

I can't begin to explain my fear of starting things.

Stupid Joke

I was in a posh restaurant with my new girlfriend the other day. I tried to impress her by ordering our food in French, but the waiter was very rude, and didn't seem too impressed with my efforts. I complained to the manager, who was very apologetic.
He even offered us free prawn crackers with our buffet.

Stupid Joke

Whenever I dance around in my living room wearing a nappy, holding my cat and smoking a cigar, my neighbour stares at me through the window.
I think he must be a bit of a weirdo.

Stupid Joke

My German neighbour had a blast from the past today.
He was digging in his garden and plunged straight into a buried Doodlebug.

Stupid Joke

I'm a member of the illiterate book club. We meet once a week to judge a book by its cover.

Stupid Joke

As I sped home from work breaking every Red Light on the way, I thought to myself, "I really should put this Baseball Bat down and get myself a Car."

Stupid Joke

I went to my first football match the other day.
I wasn't keen: it was so noisy, I couldn't even hear the commentary.

Stupid Joke

The only date this century that looks like a fence.

Stupid Joke

I launched my own clothing line last night.
I knew I should have taken the washing in before setting the fireworks off.

Stupid Joke

My neighbours obviously really enjoy my late night guitar playing.
They smash my windows through, so they can hear me more clearly.

Stupid Joke

A ghost walks through a bar...

Stupid Joke

Every night I have to endure hearing my neighbours arguing through the wall.
I have no idea why one of them has to come round my house to do it.

Stupid Joke

Top Recession Busting Tip:
Dont waste your money on an 'A to Z' when you only ever go from A to B anyway.

Stupid Joke

67% of Americans are stupid.
I belong with the other 13%

Stupid Joke

Working as an usher during the Gorillaz opera, I was showing people to their seats.
"Where is it?" a woman asked, as she followed me.
"It's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's there!"

Stupid Joke

Dog walkers are definitely a jinx.
Whenever a dead body is found, there's always one nearby.

Stupid Joke

Found a wallet. If your VISA card is 4678 2345 2828 9001 exp. 11/12 CVV 810
get in touch as I've also got your I.D. and business cards.

Stupid Joke

My father always told me to switch off lights as I leave a room.
Why do other people take it so personally?

Stupid Joke

I got into a taxi and started shouting 'Stop, don't drive, stay here!'
'That type of language won't get you anywhere', the driver said.

Stupid Joke

When I was a toddler my dad spent all of his time inventing new products for kids my age. Heeven went to the extent of fixing wheels to the bottom of a plastic bowl.
Used to drive me potty.

Stupid Joke

When my workmate never showed, the boss asked "Can you do the work of two men?"....
"Of course I can," I said "but it will take me twice as long."

Stupid Joke

After a lot of interest, I had a concrete offer made for my car last night.
I turned it down though.
I've decided to wait until someone offers me cash.

Stupid Joke

I may not know much about sport or geography, but if England can only beat Belgium by one try to nil, what chance have we got against the other African teams in the Ashes?

Stupid Joke

I've been teaching my dog how to count. I said "Rover, whats three plus two minus five"? and Rover said nothing.

Stupid Joke

After my girlfriends father died we decided to get married stood on his grave.
Well he did say I could marry his daughter over his dead body.