Wordplay Joke

A bloke with no hands goes to the doctors and says,
"I dont feel very well."

Wordplay Joke

I take crack.
Im not a drug addict; Im a rapist.

Wordplay Joke

Tell you what gets a bad press.
Stevie Wonder's trousers.

Wordplay Joke

"Snow Hampers Christmas Post"
So everything is running normally then?

Wordplay Joke

I have been trying to make a sentence in which I use the words to and too next to each other.
But I just can't seem to put to and too together.
I tried to too!

Wordplay Joke

My job keeps me really busy. I work in a church and I'm always slightly changing things.
I'm an alter boy.

Wordplay Joke

This electrician arrived home at 3am
The wife says "wire you insulate?"

Wordplay Joke

I complained to my newsagent, "I've not received my copy of 'Managing Confrontation' this month".
He said, "Why, is there an issue?"

Wordplay Joke

I've just caught the wife trying to put a shelf up.
I said. "Will you stop that. I'll go and get some batteries for your Rabbit."

Wordplay Joke

I get on great with my new European Roadie. He's a sound Czech guy.

Wordplay Joke

You have to say, Ledley King is missing out on a great opportunity if he doesn't call his son Juan...

Wordplay Joke

I've just been warned off sending junk e-mails to Muslims.
Apparently, they're not allowed spam.

Wordplay Joke

My mate offered me a pint after having my arms amputated.
I couldn't take it.

Wordplay Joke

I hate jokes about Vietnam.
They really Hanoi me.

Wordplay Joke

I went for an interview at a leading DIY superstore today and they've just rung to offer me a post.
I must say I'd have prefered a job.

Wordplay Joke

What do you get if you cross the Italian Mafia and the IRA?
Nowhere to eat or drink in New York.

Wordplay Joke

I'm Korean and my favourite snack is a pet noodle.

Wordplay Joke

I threw some acid into my wifes face today...
You should have seen the reaction.

Wordplay Joke

Just noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Oh, it's an article on peripheral vision.

Wordplay Joke

Why is it when a footballer "runs at defenders" he's considered to have an 'excellent attacking instinct', but when I run at women I'm said to have 'a disgusting attacking instinct'?

Wordplay Joke

You cant turn a ho into a housewife.
Unless you're playing scrabble.

Wordplay Joke

I was slicing open a Kiwi last night, and I thought to myself; God I hate New Zealanders.

Wordplay Joke

Treated myself to a brand new car this Christmas and the wife very kindly wrapped it for me..
around a tree.

Wordplay Joke

Just to be different I decided to take an arrow after my concert performance.

Wordplay Joke

Me and my Friend only understand even numbers...what are the odds?